Places to Visit

There are a lot of places to be visited in Kuantan. Kuantan which is the capital of Pahang is very popular with it beaches, parks, waterfall, cave, museum and others. At the same time, Kuantan is truly Malaysia, mainly due to the versatilaties of the places to be visited. For more informations, please visit and Plenty of tourism packages offered for Kuantan and Pahang which can be selected for tourist, locally and internationally.

Here are the shortlist of places that can be visited in Kuantan.

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Teluk Cempedak

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Black Stone Beach

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Sepat Beach

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Balok Beach

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Cherating Beach

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Jerangkang Waterfall 

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Gua Charas

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Tioman Island
( one of the world’s most beautiful islands – selected by TIME MAGAZINE)